Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 30: It's OVER!

It's day 30. Thank you to everyone that has commented and encouraged me during my 30 day journey! For some last day fun, I have compiled a list of questions I received throughout the project along with my answers!

Q: Why are you doing this?
A: To appreciate my closet, and be creative with what I have instead of buying more!

Q: What is the longest that you went between washings?
A: Eeeek! I'm going to be honest. One week- I went 5 days. Gently worn though I PROMISE!

Q: What is the biggest thing you learned?
A: Appreciation for my closet and all that it holds!

Q: Will you ever wear the dress again?
A: YES! It will be hanging it in the back of my closet for a while, but I actually really like the dress, it is a great staple!

Q: Did you cheat on the spending freeze?
A: Uh...yes, once again, I have to be honest. I bought a vintage suede coat, for $20.00. I could NOT pass it up! Oh, and the feather & flower headband I am wearing in this picture! Whoops!

Day 30:
Black dress
Pink top: Forever 21
Tights: Betsy Johnson
Black Booties: Last Call
Gray Bag: Ross
Feather headband: Hattie's Branches
Cameo Ring: Saks