Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Day 3, Early Morning Wake Up Call

I woke up early this morning, 2:30 a.m. to be exact. I couldn't stop thinking of all of the tasks that I have not yet completed. A scripture popped into my head, and I feel led to share it. Revelation 21:5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

I am analyzing this verse, and realizing the true comfort in it. No matter what busyness I am overwhelmed with here on earth, I find peace the in the fact that HE is making everything new. That is eternal, THAT is what matters! So many times my focus is derailed and this small scripture spoke very loud to me this morning. When I am tired and weary...He reminds me that he is in control of my future, not me! I am so thankful that he renews me, in so many ways!

As silly as it sounds, I thought about how this verse relates to the dress project! Each day I'm faced with the task of making it new! :) I was pleasantly surprised that even my own husband didn't realize that I had put a top over the black dress yesterday. He thought it was a skirt! Tells you how much he was paying attention to the point of this project when I filled him in on Monday! Ha Ha!

Day 3:
Black Dress
Pink sequin top, Free People, From one of my other favorite boutiques, m. marie,
Garden Party Necklace, Stella & Dot
Silver & Gold twist cocktail ring, David Yurman
Nine West tweed shoes, with Betsy Johnson pink fishnet socks
Coral Kate Spade mini tote

The first picture is of me prepping to "run" back for the pose before the camera went off!! A funny sight indeed!