Tuesday, August 07, 2012

My 5 Year Old Mermaid

All files and printables came from Simply Sweet Parties! Kerry is GREAT to work with! 

This was the boys' table

The "merman" hid treasures in the yard for the kids to find! 

Jello sharks!

Mom carved a watermelon whale! 

Yummy ocean punch: 1 bottle blue Hawaiian Punch, 1 bottle white grape juice,   2 liter of sprite,
1 1/2 gallon of pineapple sherbet

The birthday mermaid

For preschool graduation my daughter had to tell us what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her answer: a mermaid. No question what the party theme would be this year! I LOVE parties! I love planning, cooking, preparing, decorating, hosting.....I love it all. Pinterest has made party planning even more exciting for me with loads of cool ideas and DIYs. Kennedy hand picked shells at the beach and we made shell necklaces as a giveaway, I made the cupcakes and a new icing which is now my favorite! The best part was that she loved every minute of it, and her friends had an absolute blast!!!

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